Welcome to RiseUp

Everything you need
to feel good about
your spending

Available in the UK only

How does money
make you feel?




66% of our customers feel less stressed by money.

Our technology gives you

A monthly forecast of how your finances will look at the end of the month. 

It combines all your
household accounts, income and expenses in one secure space.

With personalised
content, smart insights
and actionable steps that save you money.

Monthly spending goals that help you save for whatever makes you happy.

Chat updates that build
confidence and keep
your spending on track.

A team of financial experts
who are always there to
chat to.

Add your partner and take on your finances together – for no extra cost.


71% of customers feel less tension with their partner when it comes to money

wtp couples

Little wonder,

100,000 people
worldwide use RiseUp
to feel brighter about        their money.

Want to find out your
monthly forecast?

Our subscription plans start from £7.99 a month. You can cancel anytime.